Experience of creating a blog

I’ve finally got to the stage where I can add a post! Using WordPress, you must have good eyesight to read white text on a pearl grey background in order to find the links. Moreover, the instructions tell you that the easiest way to publish a new post is with the NEW POST button  on the right side of the toolbar – but they don’t tell you that you first have to select your username from the box that appears under your name. Clicking on the white “new post” link on the pale grey page doesn’t seem to take you anywhere, even though you’re signed in.

As to the 19things instructions this time, the reverse order (5, 4, 3) in the email seemed a bit strange. “What are blogs?” would be a better topic to start people off with, rather than presenting it at the end of the message. But never mind, I got there… 🙂

Outi / WARN


One thought on “Experience of creating a blog

  1. Hopefully you will get more familiar with the layout of the WordPress pages as you add more Posts. Exploring new web tools is a reminder that our Library readers need a few goes exploring and using NHS Evidence Journals and Databases before they are confident they know their way around these pages, know what the terms mean and where to find the link they need to click on.
    I agree that the delivery of instructions of Things 3, 4 and 5 in week 3 was counterintuitive

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