Library built with Alaskan gold

We were asked to blog about a photo. I wanted to find something from my home town, but the search also brought up several pictures from my alma mater, Turku University, so I decided to choose one of those instead.

This photo is from the main campus. The tree in the middle seems to have grown quite a lot since I was last there… The building is the library, built with the funds bequeathed by two local brothers who had been gold miners in Klondike during the gold rush and (unlike so many others) had managed to save their riches and bring them home! 


One thought on “Library built with Alaskan gold

  1. It was good to see a picture of Turku Univerisity. I clicked on the picture to find out where the University is and was taken to the Wikipedia page for University of Turku. I clicked to get the page translated into English and foundout that your Alma mater is in Finland.

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